Lose Weight While Breastfeeding

Posted by Unknown on Saturday, October 20, 2012

average mother burn 600 calories per day just by breastfeeding. The most natural way of nature given to women to burn more calories, which will certainly lead to weight loss. breastfeeding and weight loss. However, the end result depends on your own body's metabolism, and several other factors.

Breastfeeding generally will increase your appetite. Try to eat when hungry. Do not forget to add the intake of 300-500 calories per day to maintain the smooth milk.

When did you feel the need to lose weight to get back, or at least approached, weight before pregnancy, do not worry, because in fact be on a diet while breastfeeding, provided that while maintaining the necessary nutrition. Expand drinking liquids, and multivitamin supplements, eat foods that contain healthy fats, especially DHA, and meet the needs of calcium and B vitamins in the daily diet.


The more the baby gets older, the need for breast milk will increase, until introduced to solid food at the age of 4-6 months. Entering the age they will drink less milk for calorie intake, until ready to be weaned.

If you give formula as a supplement, then you need fewer calories per day than when exclusive breastfeeding. Breast milk is produced responsive to the needs of the baby. Therefore, if you are not breastfeeding exclusively, calories burned through breastfeeding will be less and producing only a little milk.

When you wean your baby, beware of the possibility of body weight lost during lactation will be back. Especially when you have to adjust the diet to reduce the calories you burn through breastfeeding.

But there are some women who "maintain" weight loss from pregnancy until after weaning, and would undertake an intensive weight loss program thereafter. For some mothers, the process of gradually weaning the mean time where weight will also increase and decrease.

Benefits of breastfeeding for infant health certainly indisputable. When it comes to health benefits for the mother, the effect would be less, but generally the result will be faster and typically experience sustained weight loss.

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