Breastfeeding and While You Lose Weight

Posted by Unknown on Saturday, October 20, 2012

breastfeeding and weight loss


Hi, doctor. I am a mother of three children. Half a year ago I had just had my third child. I want to know how good nutrition for breastfeeding mothers who are also suffering from hypertension and diabetes? I also want to lose weight at the same time. Thank you for your attention and your doctor's advice. Regards, Nina. (Nina, 35)

Greetings again Nina,
Proper nutrition for mothers who breastfeed and also suffering from hypertension and diabetes must follow a pattern 3J comprising:

The number of calories
* Mothers who are breastfeeding need extra calories about 300-500 cal / day of total current requirement is not pregnant to produce milk for the baby. Unfortunately on this occasion, I could not help Nina calculate exactly how much daily caloric needs because Nina Nina in the data attached no weight, height, activity / activities of daily living, as well as medications taken for diabetes and hypertension.

Type of food consumed
* Following a complete and balanced nutritional diet, meaning foods consumed should contain all the nutrients the body needs carbohydrates, protein (animal, vegetable), fats, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and water, of course, with amounts as needed. As examples of food sources:
- Carbohydrates much on staple foods such as rice, potatoes, bread, pasta, noodles, rice noodles, flour, yam, cassava, etc..
- Animal protein in chicken, beef, fish, eggs, seafood.
- Vegetable protein in beans, tofu, tempeh, etc..
- Vitamins and minerals in vegetables, fruits, and milk.
- Fiber in vegetables and fruits.

* For people with diabetes is recommended:

- Prefer complex carbohydrates (rice, cereals, wholemeal bread, etc.) rather than simplex carbohydrates (white sugar, brown sugar, honey, etc.), where the consumption is limited to about 5-10 percent of the total calories a day. So it is recommended only a spice for cooking. If you want to get a sweet taste in food and drink, can use the sweetener that has been permitted by the POM.
- Choose low-fat protein that cholesterol intake not exceed 200 mg / day.
- Get plenty of fiber from natural sources such as vegetables and fruits.
- Choose a wider variety of good fats such as omega 3 (fish in the sea, flaxseed), omega 6 (seeds and nuts) and omega 9 (avocado, dark chocolate, olive oil).
- Limit consumption of salt about 5 g / day (equivalent to 1 teaspoon pressed) given the presence of hypertension. In addition it must be remembered that the source of salt in the daily diet can also be obtained from the flavor, preserves food, and canned food. Therefore every time you buy food that is so, please read the nutritional content (nutrition fact) these foods, so it can be calculated how much salt / sodium / sodium consumed.
- Examples of the distribution of these nutrients in one plate (see picture) where vegetables and fruits gets the largest portion, about ½ servings, and rice or staple foods around the ¼ portion, and ¼ protein servings as well. 1 cup milk to get sufficient vitamins, minerals (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, etc.) to the body, especially for mothers who breastfeed.

Schedule meals
Should be given in divided portions small and frequent, usually in six feedings, which includes breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, and late night snack. The purpose of the division is to be produced sugar from the diet does not jump dramatically, because the portion given at once in large quantities.

If Nina wants to get exact calculation of the nutrient requirements given the presence of diabetes and hypertension, it is worth discussing with your doctor Nina nutrition closest in the city of Nina.

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