Your child is two years old and you think to wean? Weaning children is not always easy, she needs a special trick to do it. Come, see the tips wean children from Dr. Tri Sunarti Wahyutami. According to the doctor's friendly, if you want to wean children should be done in a way not deceive children, to wean the child can do it slowly.
He should be weaned in a reasonable manner. weaning from breastfeeding . Do not force the mother to wean the child. How can a mother is to distract the child, such as play and give hugs to children.
"He's smart, while nursing and weaned child actually removed from her mother's fear, when it was replaced with a bottle and glasses but still need to be loved and cuddled, because when we held our breastfeeding, that's what makes kids so worried separated from his mother," Tri said some time ago.
He added that sometimes overbearing mother and "tricking" kids. Children can be given an explanation while introducing milk and eat. Mom could hug her explanation given to the child. "Children will record their genius unconsciously, when we have started to cheat to achieve the next goal will continue to cheat," says Tri.
Tri added pregnant women can breastfeed and wean the child. Pregnant women can be weaned at frequent contractions and tired. However, the child is older than 6 months and has gained exclusive ation. Nutrition milk for children can be propagated and introduced with extra food.
Here are tips on weaning children as quoted from various sources:
1. Do it slowly weaning process. For example, gradually reduce the frequency of feeding. Usually 4 times a day then slowly changed 3 times a day continued until finally stopping.
2. Divert the child's attention to something else. Able to read books to the children, playing, and singing. Until the child to forget while feeding.
3. The main key is good communication with the coaching children. Remember, how small the child's age, the child continues to understand and have the ability to understand the words of the people in the neighborhood.
4. Avoid weaning when children are not healthy or are sad, upset, angry.
5. Avoid weaned from nursing to other objects such as pacifiers, baby bottles, pillows, etc.. Usually here the role of father figure is needed as a complement of the mother. Once again building good communication with children
6. Avoid abrupt weaning. Moreover, without any communication with the child. This can hurt the child's heart. Do not let children feel that by weaning her mother hated. Provision of bitter herbs, forcing the child to suckle at his mother, can damage the bonding or bond that is formed thus far in the process of breastfeeding.
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