5 Foods to avoid while breastfeeding

Posted by Unknown on Friday, October 19, 2012

Breast milk is the only source of nutrition for infants. Thus, you have to run a healthy diet during lactation. Because the baby's body is still very sensitive, you should avoid some foods that are harmful to their health.  what to eat during breastfeeding . Here are five foods that should be avoided during breastfeeding, as reported in Boldsky.com.

foods to avoid during breastfeeding
1. cow's milk

Cow's milk can trigger allergic reactions in infants. During pregnancy and post-pregnancy your immune system is low. So, your body will be more prone to allergic reactions. This reaction can be transmitted to the baby through the mother's milk. You can replace it with other dairy products such as cheese, butter, yogurt, and others.

2. Aromatic cuisine

Avoid foods with spices strong! Such foods can change the taste of mother's milk and the water is bad for your baby.

3. Food sour

Foods rich in vitamin C should avoid during lactation. Excessive consumption can cause acid concentration. Besides stomach upset, it can also cause skin disease in infants.

4. Alcohol and smoking

Drinking alcohol and smoking can reduce the production of breast milk. Passive smoking can also feel the negative impacts, if often located around the active smokers. So, avoid smoky environments!

5. spicy food

Spicy foods can cause gas accumulation. The gas that is formed can be transferred to your baby. Abdomen adult alone could heartburn, especially your baby.

For those of you who like spicy, chili you must fast during lactation. Your baby's health depends on what you eat.

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