Pregnancy can happen when you are still actively feeding baby. What should you do when you experience it?
Generally, your body is able to produce eggs again ready to be fertilized, when the baby was 6 months old. That is why, it is not Maybe if you had already pregnant again while your child still needs your milk. can you get pregnant during breastfeeding. Do you give your child still breastfeeding, or weaning it for the sake of your brother?
Probably not a reason to wean soon, after finding out that you are pregnant again, there was a sense of confusion in you. On the one hand, you are still enjoying breastfeeding your baby. On the other hand, with continued breastfeeding him, you feel that? Take? portion of nutrients that should be given to the baby growing in your womb. That is why, a new pregnancy is usually a reason to start weaning the brother.
In fact, if you want to continue breastfeeding, you do not actually own. Hilary Dervin Flower, MA in his article? A New Look at the Safety of Breastfeeding During Pregnancy? published in the issue site in September 2003, said that from a study of 179 mothers who breastfeed for at least 6 months, 61% of them continue breastfeeding when I discovered she was pregnant again, and 38% of that number continues to breastfeed until the baby is born and fed together brother (tandem nursing). It was also able to facilitate her brother adjust to or share with a new sibling.
So, if your baby's age is under one year, especially if he is still under the age of 6 months and still feeding while you are pregnant again, as long as you do not become exhausted or not feeling contractions of the uterus, then you are still encouraged to continue breast-feeding. American Academy of Pediatrics recommends breastfeeding a child for a minimum of one year, while the WHO says it should be done for two years or more.
Not infrequently, without you doing anything, the brother has started? Did not like? feeding activity again. Perhaps, due to the condition of pregnancy, your milk taste changed and the numbers began to decrease. The situation that occurred in your milk will make them reduce feeding activity gradually.
Beware if .... It has been mentioned that fatigue is a factor to be considered by women who still want to breastfeed their babies. Because fatigue may indicate that pregnant women are concerned impaired health. Keep in mind, your body will naturally prioritize the delivery of nutrients to the growing fetus without reducing the portion distributed to establish breastfeeding. That's why, when the mother's health is not optimal, then in addition to the physical condition of the mother, the fetus and infant growth and development will also be disrupted.
In connection with it, if you want to continue breastfeeding your child, you should always strive to maintain the condition and health of your body during pregnancy. Give better attention to your diet, good-quality and quantity Additionally, fill the body's need for fluids and get enough rest.
Other factors that also determine whether you can breastfeed or not, is the presence or absence of contractions or premature labor signs other. Keep in mind, contractions of the uterus that occur are usually caused by sucking on the breast stimulation that causes the pituitary gland releases oxytocin (the hormone that stimulates the reflex drainage besides breastfeeding can also speed up the birth).
So, you should stop breast-feeding when uterine contractions, pain arises in the waist down, feels there is pressure on the pelvic floor, raised cramps, and mucus, blood or amniotic fluid. Lay your body, and then contact your gynecologist as soon as possible to get the best solution.
Basically, healthy during your pregnancy, you should not be afraid to breastfeed your baby. Several recent studies have also concluded that there is no theory behind the notion that breastfeeding can lead to miscarriage or preterm labor when the mother is concerned healthy pregnancy. On the other hand, the uterus also have a strong enough resistance to prevent the effects of the hormone oxytocin is released during breastfeeding.
So, when it comes to deciding whether to breastfeed or not when she was pregnant again, every mother should consider the choices, feelings, and what happens to her properly. Thus, he will be satisfied and believe that the decision taken is the best decision for themselves and their families.
Posted by Unknown on Wednesday, October 24, 2012
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