Weaning: When time and How

Posted by Unknown on Saturday, October 20, 2012

When breastfeeding in general is an exciting moment when Mama felt very connected with your child. Believe me, your child must also really enjoy feeding moments. But when the child becomes old enough to escape breast Mama, meant it was time for weaning.

The right time for weaning different for each mother and child. Some children wean themselves automatically without guided by her mother, while the other child is more difficult to separate from the practice of breastfeeding. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends breastfeeding Mama remained small until the age of 1 year. World Health Organization (WHO) even suggested that breastfeeding continue until the child 2 years old. Regardless of opinions are most appropriate, weaning should be made only after both mother and baby are ready. Mama Forcing your child or to stop breastfeeding will not facilitate the process of weaning.

 Principles of weaning

There are a few things to keep in mind in making weaning, namely:

    Replace yourself Mama with others, not with objects. The role of fathers in the weaning process will be very helpful.
    weaning slowly and gradually. Release of emotional intimacy that is formed from the sudden breastfeeding will cause excessive stress for the child.
    Generally, at the age of 18 months - 2 years, your child has a very strong urge breastfeeding. This is because at that age, little more eager to explore the world has known. But he still needs something to make him feel comfortable, that breastfeeding Mama.
    Say 'no' when necessary with creative ways to make your child does not feel rejected
    Develop a creative alternative to weaning. To avoid breastfeeding your baby before bed, create a new routine before bed, like a story before bed, etc..

How to weaning

The best method to wean your child is a gradual process. Stopping breastfeeding abruptly can be traumatic for the child. Try the following methods:

1. Reducing the frequency of breastfeeding

Replace Mom with infant formula milk for the little guy. Reducing the frequency of nursing gradually gave little time to adapt to the loss of a feed. Mama milk supply will also be reduced gradually, so that Mama was not swollen breasts

 2. Shorten the duration of breastfeeding

Instead of feeding the cut time, provide a healthy snack for your child, such as formula milk or fruits. Feeding habits before bed is usually the most difficult to leave behind.

3. Delay or divert attention

This method can only be performed on infants who can communicate and capture the point Mama. If he asks for breastfeeding, delayed desire by diverting attention to something else.

When all means Mama tried to no avail to stop the habit of feeding your baby, maybe this is not the right time to wean your baby. Check also if there are major changes in the lives of mother and baby lately. Did Mama had to go back to work? Is the new families move house? Or maybe your child is sick? These changes make the child must adapt to the new environment, and the 'cure' is to keep him comfortable with these changes is the process of breastfeeding, especially when she was ill. Be patient and try again at weaning month or next week.

The process of weaning the right time with the right way to make your child become more independent, easy to discipline, rarely angry, and distrustful of others. The sudden weaning increases the risk of early weaning as anger, aggression, anxiety, and lack the ability to form a more intimate relationship.

Remember that it is not Mama who wean the child, but the child himself away from Mama. Does not mean an end to the proximity weaning Mama with baby formed with breastfeeding. Replace breastfeeding with other activities. If you usually breastfeeding Mama to make your child feel comfortable and calm, find other ways such as reading books together, singing, playing, and others. Hopefully the process of weaning your baby goes smoothly without a hitch.

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