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how to choose a cat
Posted by Unknown on Monday, October 29, 2012
Tips on choosing a cat
For cat lovers who want to buy a Persian cat or any other type, do not neglect to see the conditions when choosing a cat. this is very pemting, how to choose a cat so as not to be disappointed because the pet is purchased, but it is very important factor because animal health, there are some cat diseases that can be transmitted to humans.
Tips for Choosing Cat Favored In The Purchased:
1. Selecting personality Buyers should be able to see the personality of the cat, if the cat is lazy, submissive or lover, if you want to buy a cat for breeding then choose a character loving cat, when the cat wants to buy puppies then choose an active and spoiled, for more details ask your cat psychiatric conditions the breeder.
2. Choosing Colors
Buyers must be clever - good at choosing colors, this is because of factors will affect the color gene cat puppies are born, for more details click on the color and the cat gene
3. And dental Ear
Buyers should look at the teeth and dental fittings cat, besides look at the cleanliness of the ear and ear shape, sometimes cats have ear disease, where the disease can affect the shape of cat ears (scabies). for more details about click on the Cats cat diseases and illness
4. Hair and Body Preriksa whole.
Be careful not to buy a cat that has a fungus, it is because the fungus on the skin of a cat can be transmitted to humans. to examine all parts of the body touch the cat, when finding fur clumping, look at the base of the skin, sometimes clumping cat hair loss caused by fungi in the skin, other than that if there is some sort of acne in cats, better undo the intention to buy, because they are determined to have a cat skin diseases.
5. Check the card Vaccination
Do not confuse the price too low, just see the vaccination card, this is very important, because the cat will be more robust / resistant when it is in the vaccine. In umunnya race cats (persian / angora) are vulnerable sick and die.
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