Be careful Caution When Choosing a Dermatologist! Danger of Addiction

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, October 28, 2012

In recent years the need for skin care, especially for women is increasing. Various complaints ranging from acne, dark spots, skin whitening want to be the reason they went to a dermatologist.Even some people who are willing to spend millions of money to care for the skin.No wonder many doctors these days are 'juggling' themselves into a dermatologist and beauty clinics open. Skin treatment in beauty clinics are good but choose carefully dermatologist is much more important.If you include people who do the treatment at a dermatologist, it helps you get back to question whether a dermatologist and skin care products provided are appropriate and safe for your skin? 

Addiction Skin Care Products
 Just like an addictive substance, without you realize it was the ingredients in skin care products from a dermatologist who can make you dependent. What is Addiction? Dependence on skin care products may occur because of the materials used. Ingredients such as hydroquinone or mercury can cause dependence.The result given is much faster and is very nice, but very dangerous long-term consequences. Not only dependency and skin damage, dangerous chemicals in beauty products can also harm other organs of your body.So, if you've been there yourself or heard it from someone else, it helps you to think again to do the treatment and care for the skin dermatologist.

Could Worsen Skin Doctors Skin Conditions 

Not just cause dependence, which is not an expert dermatologist can damage your facial skin health. Try to remember, the reaction what happens when you use skin care for your skin doctor? Is instant reaction? Like what are the results?If your skin care results occur within a relatively short time, you also need to be vigilant, because it could be the ingredients in skin care products are too harsh and dangerous so at a later date even make skin conditions worse.Many people who claim to be disappointed with some of the dermatologist where they do not care because at the beginning of treatment her face become more white and smooth, but later returned to the dark skin and have black spots.

Importance of Skin Specialist Doctors 

The skin is an organ that is very important and is also the focus of people see you, and therefore you should not be arbitrary in providing care for the skin. Make sure you entrust the care of skin on skin doctors who are experts in the field of beauty and skin health as well as a good understanding of the field of cosmetics.For many beauty clinics that have sprung up recently only fronted by a new doctor who does not have experience in the health and beauty of skin. Ask for an explanation of each action given by a physician on your skin.In addition, you should also make sure that the skin care products that are given by doctors skin thoroughly safety tested. If a given product is safe, you will not be dependent or had experienced other problems in the future.Let's be more careful in choosing your skin doctor! Anyone have experience either choose a dermatologist? 

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