Tips on choosing and buying a Good Persian Cats

Posted by Unknown on Monday, October 29, 2012

Persian cats become one of the most preserved animals at this time. In addition to its fine fur, beautiful eyes and cute impression when we see it to be superior Persian cat seihngga many people who make it as a pet. This article about tips on buying a nice persian cat, is intended so that we are not wrong in choosing Persian cat, and the following tips on buying a nice persian cat:

1. Choosing the appropriate personality

Tips to buy the first Persian cat is looking at the cat's personality. Personality tempered Persian cat was lazy, docile, and affectionate. If we want to look for a Persian cat breeders, should we choose a cat aged 1 year and of course loving character. But if we want a persian kitten or puppy is still small, the Persian cat are active and can be spoiled piliha.

2. Choosing color feathers
It is inevitable that one of the advantages is the color of Persian cat fur. It depends on our preferences, whether to choose the color of Persian cat with brown fur, white, or other.

3. Choosing eye color
Not only the color of the cat wrote that we need to choose, but the color of his eyes also deserves our attention. because eye color can affect cats puppies were born.

4. Examination of the entire body and fur
Tips on buying this one persian cat we must practice. Do not let us buy a cat fur had mushrooms, because mushrooms in cats can also be transmitted to humans as well. Handle all parts of the body to make sure no cat fur clumping, but if there is fur clumping look at the base of the skin may be due to a fungus on his skin. Then see if there are also scars skin and small bumps that resemble pimples. if all of that was we should move on to another cat, because it is certain that the cat's skin disease.

5. View teeth and ears
Check to see if the teeth persian cat that be our choice was clean and intact. In addition, see the cleanliness of the ear and ear shape. Sometimes cats ear disease because the disease greatly affect the shape of cat ears or also called scabies.

6. Books vaccination
Vaccination book also became one of the tips to buy persian cat is important, do not get fooled by cheap persian cat price quote. But we have to ask and see first vaccination book. because it is very useful and important. remember persian cat that has been in vaccines would be more robust and resistant to disease. Because in general Persian cat race or angora very vulnerable sick and even die.

A few information regarding tips on buying a persian cat, hopefully with a few tips on buying persian cat that has been discussed above can help us to get a nice persian cat. I hope this information is helpful

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