Could Pregnant While Breastfeeding?

Posted by Unknown on Tuesday, October 23, 2012

There is an assumption you can not get pregnant while breastfeeding, is it true?

Fact: Actually, you can get pregnant. Breastfeeding hormones can prevent pregnancy if:
- You are exclusively breastfeeding (meaning your baby will not eat or drink anything - even water).

- Children aged less than 6 months
After this age, he had already begun to eat solid food, so you feed less frequently.

- You do not menstruate anymore
If not all of these factors you have experienced, you should use contraception. Condom or other birth control methods are the best way if you want to have sex on the first 6 weeks after delivery. (The content of estrogen in birth control pills or other hormonal contraceptives can reduce milk production, especially at the beginning-the beginning.)

- The doctor will let you take birth control pills after 6 weeks, if the milk supply remains smooth. Ask progestin birth control pills that go into the stall only in low doses, because the milk can continue to produce.

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