Breastfeeding While Pregnant? can you get pregnant during breastfeeding

Posted by Unknown on Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Some time ago, when I was running Practicum in Public Health at the health center in Depok area, there is a mother who checked her pregnancy. can you get pregnant during breastfeeding. Which makes me surprised because the mother was five months pregnant when the child was eight months into both. Mother was pregnant with her third.

Suddenly, friends midwives in the room shaking his head. A child who has just been born less than one year, is pregnant again. If we trace, the mother was pregnant with her third child when both aged about four months.

We then asked if she was still breastfeeding? He answered no. She worried her milk is not enough, and the development of the fetus is not optimal.

Problems like the above story is often times going on around us. Children previously unfinished Exclusive breastfeeding is pregnant again, finally, previous child victims. Breast milk does not get the exclusive. Yesterday I idly opened the Health Research Association of Indonesia in 2010, and the results for coverage Exclusive Breast milk has not reached 80% of total breast-feeding mothers. Figures of concern.

Breastfeeding mothers are human rights and human rights are getting breast milk baby. That principle. Under any circumstances. Then if pregnant while still breastfeeding we still breastfeed? The answer, CAN with a note.

What are the notes. The first record, nursing mothers no history of miscarriage or bleeding during pregnancy before. Therefore, breast-feeding stimulates production of oxytocin which can cause contractions of the uterus. However, if the condition of your uterus is strong, then you do not need to worry. To maintain the condition of the uterus, you have to maintain the condition. Notice diet and rest, and do not forget to frequently consult with health professionals in the field.

Note the two women, nursing mothers have a lot to eat and drink. Pregnant women who are breastfeeding need a double supply of nutrients. Do not worry, your baby will be less nutrients, because, naturally the body will prioritize nutrients to the fetus by not reducing the share of milk. Weve God is cool huh!

And, when your baby is born later, you can continue to breastfeed if the elder is still wanting and the age of the older brother was barely two years old. This method is called Tandem Nursing. Do not worry, your milk is not enough. Because breast milk has suply and demand principle. That is, he would meet while it is still in need. While still breastfeeding, then milk production will continue to exist. You need to watch again is the condition of your body. Note also the nutrients you consume. Expand the vegetables, fruits and minerals.

How, still unsure of breastfeeding while pregnant?

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