Breastfeeding is good picture and True, complete with pictures and description
1. Find a Comfortable Position
Make sure that you are comfortable and relaxed and the baby in the correct position. This condition will make your breastfeeding easier and more enjoyable. Try feeding with a chair. This will give you a good strut into your back. Use a pillow to lay your hands. And if necessary, footrest with phonebooks or small chair so that your posture is also the baby is really convenient.
2. Common Breastfeeding Position

Leftmost image is called the classical position 'front hold' or 'cradle position'.
Image center is the position of 'underarm position' or 'footy hold', known as a position for mothers with twins.
Figure rightmost position is called 'lying down'. This position is good for mothers who gave birth by Caesarean section or if a sore butt after giving birth.
3. Other Breastfeeding Position

For those of you with twins, the first week will be easier to breastfeed separately. If you are familiar you can try to position 'twin hold' image on the left.
If you do not feel comfortable when breastfeeding in public, you can use a thin cloth to your shoulders and hanging down so the cover breast and your baby's head.
Okay fellow women, breast-feeding may be a more enjoyable event.
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