Breastfeeding While Pregnant Again

Posted by Unknown on Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Test pack shows 2 lines, signs your pregnant. Instead of joy, you are even confused. Because you have recently given birth and is currently enjoying exclusive breastfeeding your first baby. Keep breastfeeding or weaning should

if you are otherwise healthy pregnancy by a doctor, continue to breastfeed. "Naturally, the body will prioritize the provision of nutrients to the growing fetus, without reducing the portion required to establish breastfeeding," said the doctor.

Several studies have also concluded that all healthy mothers, there is no theory that "convicted" of breastfeeding can lead to miscarriage or premature labor. "There is also the fear of breast-feeding mothers during pregnancy because of the hormone oxytocin is released the body. Because this hormone stimulates uterine contractions. In fact, the uterus has staying power is strong enough to prevent the effects of the hormone oxytocin, "said Eveline.

If still difficult decisions, Eveline's mother advised to consult a doctor, because every pregnancy is different condition. Importantly, the solution must be prudent not interfere with pregnancy and did not inhibit growth
fetus, as well as appropriate for the welfare of the baby.

You can still continue to breastfeed while pregnant if:

    Otherwise healthy and normal pregnancy by a doctor.
    Infants under age 6 months. American Academy of Pediatrics recommendation is, breast-fed infants at least one year, while the WHO recommendations, 2 years or more.
    In fact, continued breastfeeding is easier than weaning.
    Keep feeding habit adapt brother or sister to share it with. Opportunities happen more if you continue to breastfeed until the baby is born, and then feeding the baby and sister together (tandem nursing).

If you continue breastfeeding, must do the following:

    Always maintain the condition and health of the body during pregnancy. Give special attention to the diet, both quality and quantity, and meet the needs of body fluids.
    Do not get too tired because it can damage the health. Breastfeeding while lying down and added portions hours of sleep.
    According to the study, 74% of pregnant women experience changes in the nipple, which is more sensitive and soft, so easily scratched if still breastfeeding. Prevent the right position when breastfeeding. If nipple pain, overcome the technique if the breath. If the baby can be invited to "communicate", ask him to suckle more gently and in a shorter time.
    If you feel the milk production is reduced while the baby is still under 1 year, monitor your weight gain to make sure he gets enough nutrition.
    When the baby is born, the composition of breast milk will adjust to the needs of the baby. That's why two of the three sisters will stop feeding on its own because of the volume of milk is reduced or because it changed.

If after consulting your doctor and you are advised to wean the brother, do the following:

    Do it gradually weaning. In addition to anticipating the baby fussy baby and anxiety, as well as prevent the disruption of milk production system that has been formed in the breast.
    In the early weaning, reduce the frequency of breast-feeding in the daytime. The reason, most babies still breastfed at night. The more the baby gets older, the less he woke up in the night so gradually stop feeding
    by itself.
    Do not offer milk, but do not refuse if the baby wants feeding.
    For babies over 6 months of age, plus the frequency of complementary foods (solids) to 3-4 times a day.
    Avoid sitting or being in a place normally used for feeding. This is to avoid the impression that you are ready to breastfeed. If the baby looked like breastfed, distract, eg Offer him a meal.
    Fixed pay attention and affection in other ways, eg through cuddles, gentle caress or kiss when giving the baby milk or food.

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