How to breastfeed is good and right.
Previous posts about the structure of the breast and other types of breast milk, now I will try to give tips on how to breastfeed is good and right or feeding position is good and right.
Once accustomed to breastfeed in a sitting position, you can breastfeed your baby lying down, so you should be able to know how to breastfeed a baby is good and right with a lying down or sleeping.
Previous posts about the structure of the breast and other types of breast milk, now I will try to give tips on how to breastfeed is good and right or feeding position is good and right.
- Sit upright with your back straight, flat lap, feet flat position.
- You can use a pillow or a bag lap to support the weight of the baby so that the baby could be parallel to the breast
- Hold your baby with the right arm with her left breast when breastfeeding and breastfeeding do the opposite if you are using the right milk carrying in his left hand. The position of the baby's head, neck and back of the baby should be straight with the head slightly up to the rear.
- Support the base of the neck and head of the baby to move freely back looking up.
- Raise your baby to nose level with the nipple.
- Touch the baby's mouth on the breast gently, wait until the baby opens his mouth wide.
- When his mouth wide open, immediately point the baby to the breast, first chin first, and the nipples point up the baby's mouth. Put her lower lip as far as possible from the bottom of the nipple, so that more parts of the areola (the brown nipple) into the baby's mouth. Baby's tongue should be above the gum bottom and do not turn the baby's head.
- If the baby can suckle well we live move the baby into the arms next to the other breast and breastfeeding.
- To remove the baby from the nipples, put your little finger in the corner of the baby's mouth to break the suction. Do not pull your baby off the breast directly because it will cause you pain.
Once accustomed to breastfeed in a sitting position, you can breastfeed your baby lying down, so you should be able to know how to breastfeed a baby is good and right with a lying down or sleeping.
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