My first child had just turned 2 years old on the 24th of March. She was still breastfeeding, while I was pregnant with her 2nd (age 37 weeks). My questions: 1. Is my milk production will be slightly to the baby me later, because the first child is still breast feeding in a state very little and it hurt when you are breastfeeding (if DiMassage a slightly turbid white discharge nodes), as still empty breasts and nipples quite sore. 2. How to wean properly? Every day I always ask him to try to sleep without drinking milk, but if not breastfed my first child it seems like its not even sleepy, have lured new first lactation feel sleepy. 3. Is the father's role in the process of weaning? What can man do to support this weaning?
Previously I congratulate Ms. Telly her pregnancy the second yea ... To answer the question my mother is as follows:
1. Looks like Telly option for breastfeeding mother is pregnant is a good choice for the mother and sister. Breastfeeding mothers will surely be enough to the brother at birth, because the performance of the hormones in our bodies will begin to activate the hormones associated with breastfeeding that prolactin and oxytocin. With the brother who is still breastfeeding, this will give added value to speed up and increase milk production after childbirth, because my hormones will stimulate both to work more actively.
There is a term known to the nursing sisters-tandem breastfeeding and there happens to be some of my friends who did it and this is also very helpful psychologically overcome the brother of jealousy in the presence of the brother, because he will feel the mother's attention is not divided despite the arrival little brother. Incidentally there is one of my friend and also a founder AIMI who wrote the story so interesting about tandem nursing is at this link.
2. Weaning with love is one method that AIMI suggest to mothers to breastfeed. In weaning also required readiness of all parties in the family, in this case not only the child, but also his mother and father. Why? Because the necessary commitment in assisting the process of weaning the child, because this is a process that is not easy for the child and for the mother's own course.
Mom could consider reducing nursing session once or twice a day by communicating to the child that it's time he was to be weaned. It also answers the question a third mother, the husband could play a role in helping the child to turn his attention to feeding with other activities such as reading a book before bed or drinking water in a glass when thirsty at night. There is an interesting article from my friend and caretaker AIMI also about weaning the love that can hopefully inspire the mother Telly tricks get around weaning,
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