10 Tips Breastfeeding with Good and True

Posted by Unknown on Saturday, October 20, 2012

Apparently breastfeeding is not as easy as you see, what else to you have just had a baby. If you do not how to breastfeed properly, it will affect the baby's comfort and willingness to drink milk.

In order for your child to feel comfortable when breastfeeding, here are 10 important things you should know while breastfeeding:

10 Tips Breastfeeding with Good and True
1. Before you are breastfeeding, you should take to massage your breasts, so that a smooth flow of milk.

It's easy, use the search index, middle and ring finger you, to massage. Massage in a circular motion from the base of the breast to the nipple.

2. Position while breastfeeding is important, your position and your baby should be comfortable, every nursing mother possessed a comfortable position that is different. Please find your comfortable position. Meanwhile, the baby should be, head, chest, and knees facing your baby to you. hug her, and put the baby's mouth right before nipple, breast and cheek stick.

3. Gently pull your baby's lower lip with his mouth open so wide, with the position of the tongue on the gum. Do it slowly

4. If the baby's mouth in a closed position at the time would suck, put your finger on his chin and pull down gently. Once the mouth is open, immediately navigate to your breast.

5. You need to consider the position of the baby's nose so as not to stick to the breast as this will interfere with breathing and be fatal. In the first months of his birth, should not breastfeeding in a lying position, especially when it comes to fall asleep while nursing.

6. If you want to stop breastfeeding the baby when he was just feeding, then so be it because of drinking patterns vary from one another reply. But if you think he is not drinking, try changing your position and your baby.

7. If the baby is full and wants to stop sucking, help her by releasing a straw slowly. Do not pull the rough, because it will make your nipple irritation. To keep your nipples no irritation, do this: Shortly after your baby stops breastfeeding, you spend a little milk, then rub the nipple head. After that, let it dry by itself.

8. Feed your baby on both breasts in turn.

9. After feeding your baby, help her to be burped. The trick? Hold your baby in an upright position on your shoulder and use your hands to support the head, then gently pat his back. Initially it may be difficult, but if you are used to do it would be easy.

10. Always consult with a specialist midwife or your child. Give the 6 months exclusive breastfeeding and continue until the baby is 2 years old.

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