Many breastfeeding mothers become very anxious about when and how best to stop breastfeeding. how do i stop breastfeeding. The decision to stop breastfeeding should be part of the natural process of raising children, and should be of no concern to anyone but the mother and baby.
If a woman is worried about when to stop breastfeeding, the best advice is to put the whole subject out of his mind. However, this is not always easy to do. Many external factors contributed to the anxiety and stress of mothers feel about breastfeeding, and too sad, external factors may convince many women to stop breastfeeding their babies. Breastfeeding in public is something that many mothers difficult, and with good reason. Our modern society makes breastfeeding your child in public as difficult as possible: lack of private places to breastfeed; many women thrown out of shops, restaurants and public transport when they feed their children; female breast is considered as sex objects rather than as a source of nutrition and comfort for the child; list goes on.
Another reason women feel pressurized into stopping breastfeeding is when the baby becomes a small baby. Feeding of older children - especially children who can articulate their love of a mother's breast - very much taboo. Our society encourages women to wean their child from breast milk at an early age. However, other people find it perfectly acceptable for a mother to breastfeed her child to early infancy - The World Health Organization recommends that all mothers breastfeed for at least 2 years.
Some mothers feel they have to stop breastfeeding their child when the child became ill. Unless otherwise medical experts say a mother should always continue to breastfeed during sickness children, the benefits of maternal antibodies - do not forget the kids got emotional support - just what is needed for a sick child.
Perhaps the main reason she decided to stop breastfeeding is because of pregnancy. There is evidence that breastfeeding does not reduce the chances of a woman becoming pregnant, breastfeeding is Nature contraceptive pill. It certainly makes sense to avoid another baby when her first child was still very dependent on getting the nutrients from the mother. Being pregnant also stops many women from breastfeeding. Western culture seems to frown upon breastfeeding during pregnancy, although there is no valid reason to stop breastfeeding during pregnancy.
When to stop breastfeeding is a decision made by both mother and child. Ignore all external advice and opinions would ease the pressure to stop breastfeeding, leaving the mother and child to continue breastfeeding until such time both decided to quit.
Finally the decision was made to stop breastfeeding. But stop breastfeeding is not always easy. A child may have spent years nursing and will find it hard to stop. The most important thing to remember when stopping breastfeeding, breastfeeding never stop suddenly if you can avoid it. Sudden loss of her breast can be very emotionally upsetting for a child. Instead, gradually weaned from the breast is the best approach. Start by replacing one feed with bottles - bottles can contain either formula or breast milk. Over time, the baby can be introduced to be fed by bottle or cup instead of the breast.
Many nursing mothers find it difficult to stop breastfeeding when their child woke up in the night. Many babies cry when awake and breastfeeding is a very effective way of soothing them back to sleep. A good approach to do is to allow the mother to care for baby sleeping partner. Try to let your partner put the baby to bed, and when the baby wakes up at night, let your partner put the baby back to sleep. Mother can be flushed her milk the day before, the couple can then feed a baby mother's milk during the night. Many babies who are not happy to have the mother replaced by a partner, however, persistence is the key. Your baby will get used to it.
It is also important to take care of yourself during this time. Stopping breastfeeding can be a very emotional experience for the mother. And you should not forget about the physical effects of stopping breastfeeding. Some women can experience painful swelling when to stop breastfeeding their children. A gradual weaning from breastfeeding will ease the discomfort, your breasts will be used to produce less milk. Some mothers find applications cabbage leaves, placed on the nipple, helping to reduce swelling.
Finally, it is important that mothers get the support he needs - at all stages of raising children. Therefore, talk to friends and family and especially your partner about your decision to stop breastfeeding, the more information they are, the better they will be able to help.
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