This is the best breastfeeding tips and ways

Posted by Unknown on Saturday, October 20, 2012

Tips Breastfeeding mothers part of postpartum activity. Even so, not all moms know how to breastfeed is good and right. These events usually happen to a woman who gave birth for the first time.

According to the General Practitioner of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Udayana, Bali I Made Wirawan Cock, one can make the benefits of breast milk breastfeeding is not fully felt by the baby.

"There is still a lot I have met mothers who do not understand how breastfeeding is good and right," said the doctor manager's twitter account @ BlogDokter, Friday, October 12, 2012.

Therefore, doctors Made to share some tips on how breastfeeding is good and right. The following tips are taken from the official blog

1. Mental and physical preparation
Mothers who breastfeed should be in a state of calm, not in a hurry or fear and embarrassment beautiful breasts bobbed to the surface. Of course to get this atmosphere, need to find the right location and preserved breastfeeding privacy so avoid the spectacle of people. Drink a glass of water before feeding is one way to make the mother feel at ease. Avoid feeding in a state of thirst and hunger.

2 Preparation of the place and the tool
Before feeding is necessary to find a seat or comfortable seats with backs and arm pads to hold the hand and carrying a baby. Tired khan canal that hold hands propping baby uncomfortable, the tip ends shorten breastfeeding.

3. Keep your hands of my mother
Before feeding and holding a baby, washed hands really clean. This was done to avoid milk contaminated by germs. Then before feeding, press the area around the nipples between finger and thumb so out 2 to 3 drops of milk, then apply to all parts of the nipple. How good is breastfeeding if the mother removing both breasts from the use of a bra.

4. Not breastfeeding schedule
Breastfeeding baby suit your needs, do not be scheduled. Typically, needs are met by feeding every 2-3 hours. Every breastfeeding, do interchangeably on both breasts each for about 10 minutes. Start always with the breast side of the last feeding before. Check the milk until the breast feels empty.

5. After completion of
Apply as early lactation milk and let it air dry before wearing bras to prevent blisters. This can be done while supporting the baby to burp. burp babies after feeding must be done to remove the air from the stomach so the baby does not vomit.

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