How to choose the right obstetrician

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, October 28, 2012

If the mother is currently pregnant or planning to get pregnant quickly, it is better to consult a gynecologist mother and pregnancy planning program. On the program will analyze your doctor about fertility rates fertility husband and wife through a series of prenatal tests such as tests of sperm in the husband and wife as a physical test to see the position of the uterus and others.In the program obstetrician will provide guidance on the fertile and the right time to have sex in order to increase the percentage of pregnancy. Thus no one did when we choose to consult a gynecologist if you want to quickly get pregnant or even postpone pregnancy.Obstetrician is a figure which we will designate as experts and helpers not only during pregnancy trimester just at the critical moment when we give birth or something happens that requires us to give birth before the Day Estimated Born prematurely.For that we have to get the right health care provider for all of the work well. So what should be considered in choosing a gynecologist?Recommendations ColleaguesThere are so many obstetricians who set up practice around us. When the mother went to the hospital, there are at least three obstetricians who opened the practice is not it? Nah recommendations from friends or family can reduce the number of obstetricians best should be selected again.Friends and family also must have a certain experience of the best obstetricians in our area and stories about the advantages and disadvantages of each obstetrician is in handling the pregnancy and birth.Expertise Level DoctorSometimes a particular obstetrician can be known by suturing skills that cesarean scar will not be visible. He can also use a non-recognized expert ultrasound to check the condition of the fetus in the womb by listening to the beat of his heart.Those skills we might need if we are indeed planning a caesarean section or we do not want too much to use ultrasound only to check the content of every month.Physician Practice LocationsWhat practice obstetricians can also be things that need to be considered by a prospective mother. Distance and time we have to go through to achieve obstetrician closely related to the resilience of our bodies when pregnant later.Do not let the mother was too tired to go to a gynecologist or distance and time is too long and far that pregnancy itself can be subject to health during the trip.The maternity hospital locationCertain obstetricians usually only do a caesarean section or normal delivery process at a particular hospital anyway. For this reason, if indeed you have selected a gynecologist, then immediately ask if he could accompany the surgery at the hospital of our choice as well?In addition to the above considerations mothers also have to consider distance and time that must be faced if we are to go to the hospital either in normal or emergency conditions which we do not want such as rupture, bleeding.Ease of CommunicationAll doctors generally has its own principles could obstetrician  principles against us. Ease of communication we mean is whether the doctor is giving all the information to us and continue to give us an alternative verdict or decision he has set for us?Examples like this, if the mother wants early childbirth, provide information to him from the start. A doctor should support our choice and provide medical information that hinder our intention to give birth normally. So obstetricians should not decide the day and date to us so caesarean section without medical reason enough.One other thing related communication is whether we can consult with your obstetrician about pregnancy either using the internet, telephone, sms or even facebook, twitter or Instant Messaging like BBM, YM and Whatsapp.

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Unknown said...

We're looking for an obstetrician right now. I'm so glad that I found this site to know where to look! What kind of paperwork and medical information should we be prepared with?

Caleb Hart said...

My wife is pregnant with our first child. I want the whole pregnancy process to go well, but I'm nervous about it. She seems really calm which is really weird. You would think it would be the other way around. I agree that having the right obstetrician is important.

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