BREASTFEEDING is an amazing experience for the mother. But for the new mother, the experience is challenging and raises many questions.
Here are some questions about this remarkable challenge:
- How much milk a baby needs newborn?
The newborn should be feeding every two to three hours. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, the frequency of feeding babies can eight to 12 times in 24 hours.
Babies may be fed from two breast in one session. Babies feel full when the sucking slows or her turn. After the first month, the frequency of breast-feeding infants down to seven to nine times a day.
- Should the baby awakened to breastfeed?
In the first week, the frequency of breast-feeding infants no more than four hours. Because of that, the baby should be woken to feed. The trick is to lift the blanket, change her diaper, massaging gently, and put the baby to your skin.
- Should use two breast feeding?
After feeding a few weeks, start letting baby drain one breast before switching to another. The reason? There are two types of milk during each feeding: the thinner milk to finish his thirst, followed by a fat-rich milk more creamy.
Babies need both. If baby finishes only the first breast during breastfeeding, give more milk from the breast at the next feeding session.
- Is the baby enough milk?
During the baby gained weight about a pound a month, nursing every two to three hours, and urinate about six to eight times a day, you can be sure the baby takes all he needs.
The good news: By the second month, some babies no longer need to eat (nursing) at night. It can even sleep through the night.
I hope this information helps. Congratulations breastfeeding
Home » pregnancy » Four Questions New Breastfeeding Mother
Four Questions New Breastfeeding Mother
Posted by Unknown on Wednesday, October 24, 2012
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