There are some concerns of new mothers when they are breastfeeding your baby. Is your milk will be enough for him? How long does breastfeeding? Is it possible to get pregnant again? And many other questions are still hanging around in your head. breastfeeding facts. This is the answer to all your questions are.
1. Comfortable position
Each mother has her style of each child while breastfeeding. A variety of styles is actually not a problem, because the most important thing is to comfort the mother and baby during breastfeeding.
One of the comfortable position that can be replicated by holding the baby is facing your breast. Put your breast to the baby's lips, and touch. Wait until she opens her mouth and looking nipples. When he was hungry, he would open his mouth and began to suck milk. Do not force him to drink milk because if he was just sucking the breast and not the breast milk, it will be painful for you.
After the first 10 seconds of breastfeeding and sore nipples, you should remove the baby slowly. The trick, place your little finger (make sure it is clean) in the corner of the baby's lips and push away from the breast. After a while, try again to feed. In addition to pain, feeding the wrong way will make the nipple creased and wrinkled.
2. Recognize signs breastfed babies
Baby smooth, bright colors, and weight gain is an indicator of the growing baby. Most breastfed babies usually about 8-12 times a day. However, after a feed, you have to pay attention to his condition if he is getting enough milk.
Weight loss is not the only indicator of your baby is getting enough milk or not. Decreased weight too, does not necessarily indicate that he lacked milk. Babies will lose 10 percent of its body weight at the first days after birth. Weight will be back after two weeks. One sign that he is less likely to get milk from her body language, such as lethargic, sleepy, not smooth digestion and weight loss continues to decline.
3. There is no time limit breastfeeding
It is very difficult to determine the duration of breast-feeding, because of the baby, breast milk is the food, as well as how to get the convenience and closeness to his mother. Every baby has the capacity and time alone to feed, so you should not compare your baby with a baby.
There is no definite time limit for breastfeeding. In the first days, you will experience a process of feeding takes a long time. However, when the baby is more "advanced" feed, a feed must also be faster.
4. Breastfeeding can be a reliable contraceptive
During pregnancy and lactation, automatically, the body's hormone levels will be a little chaotic. During the menstrual period has not returned to normal, breastfeeding was as effective as birth control pills. But most mothers fertility period of between 6-24 months after delivery.
Home » Weaning » 4 Facts While Breastfeeding
4 Facts While Breastfeeding
Posted by Unknown on Saturday, October 27, 2012
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